
How to dispose of hazardous waste?

Everybody knows that we need to create more positive changes so that we can head towards creating a better environment. Everybody understands that you need to separate recycling, glass and general waste, but where does the toxic waste go? 


If you’re working in the construction, manufacturing or utility industry, the chances are that you come across hazardous waste on a regular basis. The difficulty doesn’t just lie with toxic waste, but other hazardous waste like WEEE. WEEE waste (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) is, as you’ve guessed, anything electrical! This includes but is not limited to, phones, laptops, TV’s, microwaves and so on. Toxic waste contains items like paints and chemicals. 


Under no circumstances should you put hazardous waste in your wheelie bin, or take it to the re-use and recycling centre. 


If you’re looking for someone to remove hazardous waste for you, get in touch with Wasteaway today. Wasteaway takes away WEEE waste and hazardous waste. 



What are examples of hazardous waste?

Hazardous waste is classed as anything that can be harmful to the environment or humans. This includes:


  1. Asbestos
  2. Chemicals, such as brake fluid or print toner
  3. Batteries
  4. Solvents
  5. Pesticides
  6. Pils (except edible ones), like car oil
  7. Equipment containing ozone-depleting substances, like fridges
  8. Hazardous waste containers



How to dispose of hazardous waste: Classify your waste

If you own a business, you must classify waste. This means checking what waste goes in and out of your business before the waste is collected. This process makes sure that everybody handling the waste deals with it properly. Here is a link to the guidelines laid down by the government. It is illegal to mix non-hazardous waste with hazardous waste, so make sure that you’re disposing of your items properly. 


The description of the waste must include: 


  • Whether the waste is hazardous
  • What the waste classification code is
  • Whereabouts on the premises the waste was made
  • The name of the substance
  • How the waste was produced
  • An analysis of the waste


(Top tip- Don’t leave the waste out in the rain as the toxic material could run off the waste) 



How to dispose of hazardous waste- Hire an authorised waste removal company like
Wasteaway to take your hazardous waste for you

Make sure that whoever you choose to take your hazardous waste has environmental permits. It will ultimately be your business that is responsible for the disposal of waste, even when it has left the building. 



How to dispose of hazardous waste: Fill in the consignment notes

In order to move hazardous waste, it is required to fill and sign consignment notes. These notes will need to stay with the hazardous waste throughout the entire process. You will need to fill in the consignment notes as thoroughly and accurately as possible. You will keep one copy of the consignment notes and the other two you will need to pass on to the carrier of the waste. 



How to dispose of hazardous waste: Keep the records for at least 3 years.

You must keep the records at the premises that the waste originated from. After 3 years, there’s no need to keep them, they can be thrown away. 


The hazardous waste you must not mix! 

You must segregate all different types of waste, and not mix: 


  • A hazardous waste with non-hazardous waste
  • A hazardous waste with a non-waste
  • Different types of hazardous waste
  • Waste oils with different characteristics

Thank you for reading our blog ‘How to dispose of hazardous waste’. If you are looking for waste disposal across the whole of England, get in touch with us at Wasteaway today.


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